Aug 25, 2020
What’s your, “I’d rather be naked in front of a 1000 people,” thing? It was a tough week but I gained an amazing lesson out of it. I share it here, hopefully it’s a good reminder for you too. If you aren’t familiar with Brene Brown’s work, start with this video and keep consuming from there:
Aug 18, 2020
Christina Blacken, founder of The New Quo, is all about stories. Your stories, the stories others tell to us, and the ones we tell them. You'll be delighted to hear her story, and the ways in which she's changing the world one narrative at a time.
Aug 11, 2020
Traveler, philanthropist, real estate investor, and CFO Michele Smith shares two distinct sets of lessons on her path to the C suite: financial and mentorship. Michele is currently the CFO of the Woodland Park Zoo in the Pacific Northwest who name drops all over this episode to acknowledge the people along the way who...
Aug 4, 2020
Why do you bank where you bank? It’s a question you probably haven’t given a lot of time to. Most of us opt for convenience, safety, fees and yield. There’s a whole different way of looking at banking though. Banks hold about $15,000,000,000 in deposits in America. What if that money was being directed at...